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Some of my favorite books to read about living a plant based lifestyle!

The China Study Wellness Coach Recommendation
Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Plant Based Coach Recommendation
UnDo It Health and Wellness Coach Recommendation
How Not to Die Plant Based Coach Recommendation

The China Study

T. Colin Campbell

Undo It!

Dean Ornish

How Not to Die

Michael Greger

The Alzheimer's Solution Plant Based Health Recommendation
The End of Dieting Wellness Coach Recommendation
The Starch Solution Plant Based Health Coach Recommendation
Fiber Fuled Health and Plant Based Coach Recommendation

Alzheimer’s Solution

Dean and Ayesha Sherzai

The End of Dieting

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Fiber Fueled

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

The Starch Solution

Dr. John McDougall

Culinary herbs and spices, shot from abo

Some of my favorite podcasts to listen and learn about living a plant based lifestyle!

The Rich Roll Podcast


Plant Proof by Simon Hill


Plant Strong Podcast by Rip Esselstyn


Nutrition Rounds by Danielle Belardo

Some of my favorite recipe sites to learn to make plant based creations!

Forks Over Knives


PlantPure Nation- Kim Campbell


Straight Up Food- Cathy Fischer


T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies


Some of my favorite plant based documentaries!

Game Changers, Netflix


What the Health, Netflix


Code Blue, Redefining American Medicine, Amazon Prime


PlantPure Nation, You Tube

© 2021 Lori Pitkowsky, Bouquet of Wellness. All rights reserved.



The information found on or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult with your medical practitioner or mental health professional before making any changes to your current diet and lifestyle. 

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